So in order to show my support (and my blog's) I'm pasting the following:
“We support holding the 5th UN World Conference on Women and call upon our own UN ambassador and those of member states in the General Assembly to pass the 5WCW resolution needed to hold it in 2015. We want 5WCW to address new and emerging issues affecting women and girls since the Beijing Conference in 1995, to build upon and not re-open previous UN documents.”
I urge you to do the same and also check out an online media hub for young women around the world to show their thoughts and views on the things happening around the world and how young women are affected everywhere.
Also if you're in the Bay Area, check out the show during its last week! It ends on the 15th and will be headed to New York for its premiere in the fall. I got a feeling this show will be BIG.