Sunday, July 8, 2012

Makin' A Change

Just saw Emotional Creature at Berkeley Rep and was it was amazing! Brought me to tears-and I usually don't get teary at productions. It was written by Eve Ensler, writer of the well-known Vagina Monologues, and addressed many topics ranging from teenage angst to abuses faced by young women around the world, such as rape, sex trafficking, and mutilation. After the show, there was a discussion in which the audience talked about ways we could get our community active on such topics and to make changes. We wanted to find a way to bring the points brought up in the play into our personal lives and those around us. A woman there spoke of an organization she is apart of and how they are petitioning for a 5th World Conference on Women. I looked up the website ( and can say I support having another world conference addressing the issues women around the world are facing today.

So in order to show my support (and my blog's) I'm pasting the following:

“We support holding the 5th UN World Conference on Women and call upon our own UN ambassador and those of member states in the General Assembly to pass the 5WCW resolution needed to hold it in 2015. We want 5WCW to address new and emerging issues affecting women and girls since the Beijing Conference in 1995, to build upon and not re-open previous UN documents.”

I urge you to do the same and also check out an online media hub for young women around the world to show their thoughts and views on the things happening around the world and how young women are affected everywhere.

Also if you're in the Bay Area, check out the show during its last week! It ends on the 15th and will be headed to New York for its premiere in the fall. I got a feeling this show will be BIG.

Click on the link for more show info:

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Someday...this blog will be big and great and all the awesomeness I know it can be. But for the mean time, I'm gonna hope I land a summer job in the next week so I can equip myself for college. Sistah can't be entering looking not raw, but I'll need the doh. It's been almost a month since graduation and I feel pretty relaxed. Haven't really contacted many people outside of my group of friends and it's been nice. I think one's in a really good place when they have the option of choosing to surround themselves only by their friends and people they care for/care for them. We don't always have that opportunity and when we do it doesn't seem to last long. I can't say I've changed the world yet or even worked on my writing-things I need to do! But I have spent a great deal thinking and listening to music and gaining a better grip of how I see myself and where I want to be in the next 5 years. 
Exciting things that have happened: I bleached the ends of my hair-well more like half-but I'm liking it. I'll probably grow my hair longer just because the bleach is giving me an excuse-looks a tad better on longer hair in my opinion. Oh! I also went to Pride in SF, saw a lot of rad outfits. Like crazy fits you'd see in editorials in magazines but on the streets! That makes me happy, people need to be a little more bold in how they dress and not afraid. Confidence can boost an image by 20000%

Photos from Pride!

Music I'm currently listening to:

Kid Cudi--Upper Room (whose waiting for his new album , this girl)
Charlie XCX--Nuclear Seasons 

and a lot more Cudi, those two have just been on replay for a while :)


Here are a few snapshots from today:

love these sandals so much! They've become a sort of second skin in the last few weeks