Saturday, July 7, 2012


Someday...this blog will be big and great and all the awesomeness I know it can be. But for the mean time, I'm gonna hope I land a summer job in the next week so I can equip myself for college. Sistah can't be entering looking not raw, but I'll need the doh. It's been almost a month since graduation and I feel pretty relaxed. Haven't really contacted many people outside of my group of friends and it's been nice. I think one's in a really good place when they have the option of choosing to surround themselves only by their friends and people they care for/care for them. We don't always have that opportunity and when we do it doesn't seem to last long. I can't say I've changed the world yet or even worked on my writing-things I need to do! But I have spent a great deal thinking and listening to music and gaining a better grip of how I see myself and where I want to be in the next 5 years. 
Exciting things that have happened: I bleached the ends of my hair-well more like half-but I'm liking it. I'll probably grow my hair longer just because the bleach is giving me an excuse-looks a tad better on longer hair in my opinion. Oh! I also went to Pride in SF, saw a lot of rad outfits. Like crazy fits you'd see in editorials in magazines but on the streets! That makes me happy, people need to be a little more bold in how they dress and not afraid. Confidence can boost an image by 20000%

Photos from Pride!

Music I'm currently listening to:

Kid Cudi--Upper Room (whose waiting for his new album , this girl)
Charlie XCX--Nuclear Seasons 

and a lot more Cudi, those two have just been on replay for a while :)


Here are a few snapshots from today:

love these sandals so much! They've become a sort of second skin in the last few weeks 

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